Client: Nature Conservation Foundation, Oceans & Coasts Program

Role: Graphic Design Consultant

Design Synopsis: Design Thinking, Research, Infographic Design, Typography, Illustration, Poster Design

Background: In 2022, the Oceans and Coasts Program (OCP) at NCF completed 25 years of conservation work in the seascapes of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and India's coastlines. To visually document this vast body of work, we worked on 4 posters - each presenting a different geographical context
The posters had to represent many visible and invisible forces that contribute to these worlds. Time, human activity, migration, water cycles, species as large as the dugongs and tuna and as small as the seagrasses had to be given their due importance in the ecosystem. 

The design challenge was to capture the macro and micro ecosystems in each poster that cover the many efforts that the OCP scientists are making to conserve these seascapes. This involved deep conversations and frequent iterations to translate their findings.
25 Years of OCP - Timeline

The main OCP poster in its top-half maps the important coastal regions where the OCP work is located and the bottom-half of the poster maps all the projects over 3 decades on a timeline. It is flanked by images of the various entities that are covered in the conservation efforts - marine species, coral reefs, outreach programs with local communities, underwater studies among others.
West Coast Fisheries

This poster draws out the differences between state boundaries vs. the actual distribution and migration of species along the western coastline of the Indian peninsula. It also documents commonly fished species on the West coast and explains how we see fish as a commercial resource but there are biological constraints that endanger the waters due to overfishing.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands

The intertidal zones of the Andaman and Nicobar islands are habitat to marine species such as guitar fish, turtles and also to a variety of seagrasses. Due to changes in tides, terrain and exposure to sun it is a region of extreme conditions. This poster captures their distribution and delicate inter-relationships and also how human interference affects their survival.
Lakshadweep Archipelago

This poster tries to document the many conservation efforts and studies that OCP has been conducting in Lakshadweep for the past 24 years, the longest being their reef monitoring program that observes the impact of climate change. A brief overview of the efforts above and below the water to conserve marine life, coral reefs, fresh water reserves, local knowledge, history and livelihood of the fisherfolk are covered in this poster.
The seascapes are rich in stories that we hope to tell in the future in formats that are more interactive and multi-dimensional. For now, it is important to mention the individuals who shared their research with me over the past years to understand the work at OCP better - Rohan Arthur, Rucha Karkarey, Stella James,  Elrika D'souza, Mayuresh Gangal, Teresa Alcoverro, Kevin George, Somesh Menon, Al Badush, Rajeswari B., Phalguni Ranjan, Wenzel Pinto, Mayukh Dey, Rachana R. and Evan Nazareth. 
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